Using debit fees for impact

 Published 6.8.22

Did you know you can do big things with those fees? Check out how some credit unions are making an impact in their communities in this creative way. 

Azura Credit Union (Topeka, KS) has a Community Impact Card Program that is available to all checking accounts free of charge. This card allows members to select a charity to earn $0.05 each time the card is used to make a purchase. In 2021 Azura partnered with members and the Foundation to increase their donation to Stormont Vail Hospital and Children’s Miracle Network. Their grant allowed them to double their donation from these fees and give a total of $5,000 to provide Child Life Services to 113 children receiving pediatric care. 

Sunflower Community Federal Credit Union (Marysville, KS)  has a Debit for a Difference program where they use interchange income to offer scholarships to local teachers to provide supplies needed to enhance the education of their students. The program supports students and educators by providing resources that are not funded otherwise. The credit union increased its investment in the community by partnering with the Foundation through a grant to leverage the interchange income to impact more lives.

Well done!  You can make an impact too.  Apply now.