Leon's legacy continues to grow

Published 12.8.2021


woman standing in her kitchen holding bouquet of flowers.

Carol Kusnetzky


For five years, the family of Leon G. Kusnetzky has been investing in the future success of small credit unions. They have challenged us to raise funds for the Leon G. Kusnetzky Family Fund for Small Credit unions with a legacy gift of $10,000 to match the first $10,000 raised for this fund. Thanks to this generous family and so many of you, since 2017 more than $120,000 has been raised. It has then been invested in the work of small credit unions through grants and professional development scholarships.  

“Without the leadership from Leon’s family, this legacy of giving to and investing in small credit unions would not have been possible,” shares Andrea Robinson Fuentes, executive director of the Heartland Credit Union Charitable Foundation.

Learn more about this wonderful family and about joining HCUCF’s legacy society.

Help us reach our 2021 Kusnetzky fundraising goal!

We only have $875 left to reach our goal to match the Kusnetzky’s donation! Can you help us reach the goal before the end of the year?