Volt Women’s Build for Habitat for Humanity

 Published 3.23.22

Volt Credit Union worked with Habitat for Humanity to host three build days with staff and members to build a home. This campaign focused specifically on empowering women with a tagline of “give a woman a power tool & she will change the world.” Over 130 volunteers worked together to build a home.

“The intent of the Women’s Build with Habitat for Humanity is to engage and empower women on a volunteer platform that is traditionally geared toward males. The Women’s Build gives local women the opportunity to learn new life skills while also serving their community. Volt is always looking for opportunities to champion causes that challenge traditional stereotypes, ways of thinking, and highlight all the special work going on in our community. The Women’s Build definitely fits that purpose and so much more! “ - Loretta Roney, CEO

woman on ladder that is leaning against home

The new owner is a local retired woman who has had medical issues exacerbated by the conditions in the duplex that she rents. The completed build gives her a healthier home environment that she can control and call her own. She won’t have to worry about how she will pay for her mortgage and, in turn, just focus on her health.

two women stand next to tall blue sign that reads Habitat for Humanity